One night after too many Colt 45 tall boys, Jimmy had a strange dream about girly bedroom-slipper roller blades. When he awoke he took it as a sign from God that this was his ticket out of obscurity, poverty, psychosis and self-loathing. If he could make a prototype and patent the idea, maybe he could license the design to Nike, who might market the item to transvestites who were in a hurry.
He ran the idea by his wife when she caught him attaching wheels to her bedroom slippers in the shed. She had caught him doing sicker things in the past, and in the shed, and he had run crazier stories by her in return, so she actually found herself supporting the enterprise against her better judgment.
Fortunately, Jimmy and his wife shared the same shoe size, so he put on the completed prototypes and began skating to the U.S. patent office in Washington, D.C.
Unfortunately, since they live in Seattle, Jimmy is still in transit, so I can't finish this story. I wish I had known that before I began writing it.
If Jimmy gets back to me, I'll get back to you. Until then, it remains a Story Untold, and really, aren't they the best kind?